"Court Appointed Child Abuser" 1243 SW Topeka Blvd.,Suite B, Topeka Kansas 66617 PH:(785)266-8664 HOME: Jill Dykes Female 2801 SW Plass Ave Topeka, Kansas 66611 show full address Household: Chris Dykes (785) 354-1006 Faith_Full_@hotmail.com



Sham in Shawnee County (Topeka, Kansas) | NowPublic News Coverage

Claudine Dombrowski: Will She and Her Daughter Finally Get Justice?A Candle of Hope for Daughter Dombrowski



Daughter runs like the wind on her track team…this is the only way she’ll be able to see her own mother, Claudine Dombrowski.  Daughter, they’ve crushed your mother and threw her into a whirlwind of hell and I don’t think you’d ever catch up to her, but they won’t stop until she is dead.

Claudine went in with her lawyer today to court with 67 incidents of contempt by HAL RICHARDSON, keeping Daughter from her mother.  And what did the Dyke do…she whined and whined and got the judge to cut off all parenting time (AGAIN) and deny her any copies of transcripts or motions, seal the case, GAG her, and to top it off, took her cell phone away from her so she couldn’t talk to anyone.

Jill Dykes sent out her flying monkeys to destroy the mother-child bond.  I don’t know how much HAL RICHARDSON is paying for this to continue his pleasure of abusing Claudine, but it may be possible he is passing drugs to the operatives in the case as he is allegedly dealing in the business.  He has been in jail for it before I’ve heard.  It must be something because a court just can’t keep breaking the law, and breaking a little girl’s heart.

He may have had an ass’s grin on his face today leaving court, but he’s one person you’ll see in hell I’m sure along with whinebag Jason P. Hoffman, daddy Don and the Dyke.

Things are far from over, we will pummel the governor’s office with this…and more.





  • Renee Owens says:

    AUGUST 20, 2010 AT 4:29 PM

    I am so sorry Claudine. They took your phone? They keep doing this what is the point? Don’t they care about Rikki’s mental health? She needs her mother. Two more years of this shit and no one can tell you anything about seeing your flesh and blood. He gets off screwing with you, I don’t know how he could say he cares for his daughter. He is a pig. I hate him so much even more than my ex. I hate him so much there are no words to describe it. The horrible pain will be paid back by God. I believe in the end you have to feel all the pain you caused others. His heart will crack into shatters of glass and he will be sorry then.

  • Nancy Carroll says:

    AUGUST 20, 2010 AT 4:45 PM

    He probably walked out of the courtroom rock hard, that is how these pigs are that abuse women and get off on continuing the abuse. Poor Rikki, they drug her into court and had her surrounded and that pissed off the judge, but still he does this to Claudine? Unbelievable.

  • Alicia Elkhart says:

    AUGUST 20, 2010 AT 4:57 PM

    I am so sorry Claudine and Nancy, for Rikki, here from Australia, fucken hell what are they doing to this mother..please send me an email address..I am writing to your Governor, and Obama, and cc to Human rights..USA government shame on you..you lousy leaches and that judge needs to be sacked!!!

    Claud, you have our support from here in Australia, they will not shut you up as long as we are here..the secret shame of America…bloody corrupt family court system..Rikki will be 18 soon and they will not stop her forever…Take care and go to your strengths…and may peace and grace be in your heart. Love you Claud and Nancy..Alicia from Australia.

  • M2C says:

    AUGUST 20, 2010 AT 4:59 PM

    I’m so sorry, Claudine. I just don’t understand any of this & how they could seriously impose the things on you & your daughter that they do. I mean they took your cell phone? That’s just bizzare. We wonder why mothers just vanish with their kids….?

  • victoria blessing says:

    AUGUST 20, 2010 AT 5:40 PM

    “Peace, Be Still” That word from the Lord may be just what you need to hear right now. Isn’t it encouraging to realize that the storm you face may not necessarily originate from something you are doing wrong or some error in your life? You may be doing all the right things, trying your very best to follow the Lord. Sometimes that very pursuit will target you for some of the strongest hurricanes you will ever face. And for those storms that are the enemy’s attempts to dissuade you from following the Lord in obedience, the only proper response is rebuking them as our Lord Jesus did.

    Jesus didn’t lay His hand on the sea; He just spoke to it. Here is the utterance of faith: divine authority. Actually, what He said was, “Be muzzled,” in the Greek. I don’t want to speculate about this, but it would appear to me that behind that storm, Jesus saw something satanic.

    It’s very interesting that Jesus was on His way to what I would call His toughest case of deliverance—the Gadarene demoniac, whom He met on the other side. I cannot but believe that all Satan’s forces ganged up against Him to prevent Him getting to the scene of the deliverance of that man. I have seen—and probably you have, too—sometimes when we’re on a particular assignment, Satan will have his agents planted all the way along every situation and circumstance.

    That’s a good sign God’s going to do something special, if you don’t get discouraged on the way.

    Lord Jesus, I stand with you in this storm-tossed boat in the midst of the roaring wind and the crashing waves. I join with You, standing in the authority vested in You, and I say to those enemies: “Peace, be still. Hush, be still. Be quiet, be still.”

    Thank You, Jesus, that You have power over the wind and the waves, and You have empowered me to stand with You against the storms that are battering me right now. I believe I will see the same result You saw, as the wind ceased and a great calm prevailed. By faith, I enter into that calm that will come to my life through the declaration of Your authority over the wind and the waves. Amen!

  • Cold North Wind says:

    AUGUST 20, 2010 AT 6:00 PM

    I am almost beyond words at this news. However, all the people who believe in human rights, will learn about this blatant travesty of “justice”, and these kinds of abuses of the law will serve to change the systemic incompetence.What the laws and practices there and in many countries are telling mothers is : if your baby, child or YOU are beaten up, raped or otherwise abused- you have no recourse and no access to “justice”. If a stranger commits these crimes, you have more of a chance.

  • Tweets that mention Rights for Mothers | Resources and Support for Noncustodial and Custodially-Challenged Mothers -- Topsy.com says:

    AUGUST 20, 2010 AT 6:03 PM

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Claudine Dombrowski, Persist. Persist said: RT @AngelFury: Rikki Dombrowski: Run Like The Wind: This is the only way she’ll be able to see her own mother, Claudine Dombrowsk… http://bit.ly/aM0re7 [...]

  • Valerie Taylor says:

    AUGUST 20, 2010 AT 6:35 PM

    CRIMINAL. THE COURT BEHAVED IN A CRIMINAL WAY. How dare they do this and continue to get away with it? A man that is abusive being allowed to raise a child with a casket in the house to threaten her with and the mother cannot even have access to her phone, cannot utilize freedom of speech, or the right to mother her own child. Get me the governors email, cell phone, office address. I want those things for Obama and Biden too. This behavior needs to be punished. IS THIS REALLY THE USA?

  • Sassy says:

    AUGUST 20, 2010 AT 6:37 PM

    Claudine, know that the women of America are with you, not the sleazy lawyers and the ones who aid and abet in illegal activity. There are honest lawyers out there that are beginning to speak out.
    Right now, they are speaking of how bad it is to treat women this way in America on CNN. We will hold them to their word.

  • Nancy Carroll says:

    AUGUST 20, 2010 AT 6:39 PM

    @ Renee: I saw him when I went to the January hearing. He IS a nasty pig. But Jill Dyke’s and Jason P. Hoffman’s behavior was unbelievable, they spew junk science and lies and witchcraft theories and roll their eyes and snort like pigs.

  • KT says:

    AUGUST 20, 2010 AT 6:49 PM

    The constitution is dead. Claudine Dombrowski victimized by RAPE committed by Hal Richardson, and battery on more than one occasion, with convictions. Words fail at the inhumanity committed in this case and so many others. The 1st Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees free speech, but if you are a woman in the US beware the courts will deny you your rights and take away your children.

    It is so bad in the US that many women are just biding their time until their children are over 18 so they can leave their abusive husbands, and or the God Forsaken Hell Hole called the United States of America.

    We are anything but FREE.

  • Nancy Carroll says:

    AUGUST 20, 2010 AT 6:59 PM

    @ KT: YES, my mother’s sister stayed with her abusive husband until my two cousins graduated from high school, then she left with the clothes on her back, even though they were wealthy. Her husband had held her up to a wall with a gun to her head. He was a drunken abuser, but was a wealthy business owner, so got away with it, like my dad. My dad, who got custody of me and my siblings after beating my mother over and over, even in front of the neighbors. My aunt knew the same would happen to her, so she stayed. Fortunately she wasn’t killed like many women who stay.

  • Run Like The Wind – Rights for Mothers | Resources and Support for … « Kill All The Lawyers Blog says:

    AUGUST 20, 2010 AT 7:01 PM

    [...] Go here to see the original: Run Like The Wind – Rights for Mothers | Resources and Support for … [...]

  • rj says:

    AUGUST 20, 2010 AT 8:15 PM





  • Renee Owens says:

    AUGUST 20, 2010 AT 8:52 PM

    can’t she get out of that court somehow? something is going on there that is illegal.

  • Anne Caroline Drake says:

    AUGUST 20, 2010 AT 11:22 PM

    I think it is VERY interesting that the Shawnee County District Court has done everything possible to prevent a bright light from being focused on this case. What ARE they hiding?

    I think what they are hiding is that their GALs and court-appointed psychologists are incompetent as hell.

    Ironically, Nancy, Gov. Mark Parkinson and First Lady Stacy Parkinson take particular pride in their efforts to prevent child abuse. This is lifted directly from his home page:

    “Married to his wife, Stacy, for more than 25 years, the Parkinsons are active in community and charitable organizations, including co-chairing the successful Sunflower House Capital Campaign which raised $4.2 million to support the child abuse assistance agency. They also completed a $6.7 million Capital Campaign for SAFEHOME, one of the most comprehensive domestic violence agencies in Kansas. Both involvements led the United Community Services of Johnson County to name the Parkinsons 2006 Co-Citizens of the Year. They are parents to three children: Alex, Sam, and Kit. They belong to the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood.”

    He claims his roots are in farming. Both Parkinsons are attorneys.

    We can contact the governor at:
    Office of the Governor
    300 SW 10th Avenue, Suite 241 S
    Topeka, KS 66612-1590
    (785) 296-3232

    We can contact First Lady Stacy at:

    I tried to find the name of the presiding judge in the Shawnee County District Court and came up empty. However, this is the address of the court:
    Shawnee County District Court
    200 S.E. 7th Street
    Topeka, KS 66603

    Judge David Debenham can be reached at:
    (785) 233-8200 x 4203

    Did anybody besides me pick up that Topeka’s zip code starts with “666″ ~ it’s evil ~ says so right in the address!!!

    Claudine must be feeling tonight like she’s been swept up in a tornado and carried off to Oz.

    I think we also need to lobby Judge Susan Carbon at the Department of Justice’s Violence Against Women office. She wrote the book on stopping PAS. I believe someone from her office said they have funding to stop manipulation of the legal system as an instrument of abuse.

    Susan B. Carbon
    OVW Director
    U.S. Department of Justice

    Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)
    800 K Street, N.W., Suite 920
    Washington, D.C. 20530

    Phone: 202-307-6026

  • Ingrid Blank says:

    AUGUST 21, 2010 AT 12:08 AM

    The fact that they sealed the records speaks for itself. Do these amoebic brains truly believe that they can GAG all of us? How the mighty USA have fallen and turned into a haven for wife batterers, pedophiles and sexual molestors by morally corrupt family court judges. The constitution? Forget about it, even your last president said that it is merely a piece of paper. Look no further for the axis of evil, the terrorists are inside your country – pompous, megalomaniac, mentally deranged, black-robed vultures and their well-remunerated henchmen/women, systematically and with despicable malice attempting to destroy the mother-child bond, which they will NEVER accomplish. US Family courts have become lawless, child and women-abuse sanctioning entities, grave yards are littered with abused women and children and nobody is holding the psychopathic perpetrators of premeditated genocide against US mothers and their children accountable. It’s even worse when a mother is a legal immigrant, like my daughter ELENA GROSS, and a court is effectively aiding and abetting her abuser to get her deported to eradicate her completely from her children’s life who have been plunged into a court-ordered hellhole by Commissioner Lawrence Best of the Riverside Superior Court in Indio.
    Let’s hold Ban Ki Moon to his promise when he called to UNITE to end violence against women and file the biggest human rights violation lawsuit with the UN.

    Has anybody ever thought laying criminal charges against a judge/commissioner/mediator/ evaluator and other court-appointed reptiles, since a civil conspiracy under the color of law is a criminal offense.

    Ingrid Blank from SOUTH AFRICA

  • June Andrews says:

    AUGUST 21, 2010 AT 2:44 AM

    Okay. It’s enought. I think we have to stand united against this horrible injustice what happened to Claudine and Rikki. They don’t have right to strip the bond between them what was build when Claudine gave birth to Rikki. They do this for too much time and it’s enought. I’m so sorry Claudine and feel for you so much but I know that this is also not enought. We have to start writing letters, make phone calls to the above mentioned persons (governor and “first lady”) and if you want I’m willing to fly there (despite an order which denies my right to do this) and protest at the court’s and start a hunger strike because IT’S ENOUGH!!!!

    We who love Claudine so much and know the pain she’s suffering years ago we have to organize a campaign for her. I’m sure that there MUST BE a thing which can help.

  • Mama Liberty says:

    AUGUST 21, 2010 AT 3:23 AM

    Yes…I DO believe this is a color of law issue and has been for TOO long. These little piddly ass, backwards ass, podunk counties think they are above the law…I am afraid the FBI does not think so. http://www.fbi.gov/hq/cid/civilrights/color.htm

  • Fran Ces says:

    AUGUST 21, 2010 AT 4:11 AM

    How can they take a basic thing as a phone??? As if they haven’t done enough already to ruin Claudine and her daughter Rikki!!!

    How on earth can anybody in this world go into mothering with a positive outlook?

    Rikki if you’re reading this your mother loves you with all her heart, she has fought to be your mother and has fought with every bit of energy she could muster. Your mother is an angel to all women around the world that have had to endure the same thing your mother has endured for you. She loves you Rikki!

  • lee martin says:

    AUGUST 21, 2010 AT 7:08 AM

    The court in johnston Cty Nc tried to gag me, after bringing in four contempts, and a motion to change place of child trade off for safety to a police station. I was denied and the lawyer went for a gag order. It was denied but I was told if I did not shut up I would get thirty days. I was violently abused by husband choking, ect for years in front of children. I now have my kids EOW and really do not know them at all. Now after a year off therapy for PTS, I was told this week I was sending emails to court whore, and it was my 14 year old daughter begging to see me, not myself.
    I could not change venue to Wake Cty, which is not okay with domestic violence, but presiding judge said no, so I should have stayed with the ex, at least my children would see me, maybe bruised and battered but I could be there for them. I say to all, I am free now, with loads of time, maybe law school or what to try to stop this crap. It is wrong, very wrong.

  • Tammy says:

    AUGUST 21, 2010 AT 7:15 AM

    Nancy, please contact me…Being in Kansucks myself…I will with many organize something here.

  • Michel says:

    AUGUST 21, 2010 AT 7:22 AM

    Can anyone suggest what language would be best to use when writing to the gov about this where it would be most effective? Thx

  • Elisa Breitenbach says:

    AUGUST 21, 2010 AT 12:10 PM

    Justice is more than blind. It’s no longer in our court rooms. If all of us did just a little we could do so much more. I will be talking about this on a radio show today. All of us need to pitch in and help this Mother and Child!!! May God help us find a way to let them be together again. Make noise, write, make phone calls. Please do what ever you can. We must find Justice and not stop until we do.

  • teri nemeth says:

    AUGUST 21, 2010 AT 8:11 PM

    my children were awarded to their father who had a record of abuse in job and family services, chaining and beatings. although he forged my name on mortgages, removings tens of thousands in equity, plus liquidated 401k’s, he was awarded the home in chagrin falls. my children were ruined, screws drilled in my sidewalls were ignored by the cops, my kids were given bottles of liquor-a fax says:LOZA the GAL report and Nemeth Reply, that reply is the instruction from the court to give 15-16yr old boys liquor to throw the divorce, PI reviewed & so stated. support was withheld by the court and the GAL ontheir own motions. my record is gone, I watched, as the clerks of court blocked me physically while the magistrate tore out affidavits to the Court of Appeals. This country is no good. I am sorry. It is filth. these are the republican party, i think taking the unaccounted for $10,000.00& the home in lieu of the father keeping all other ohio police and fire assets. they tried to kill me, gave me four days to get out on Christmas Day-then when my son also id’s perjured testimony, he is given a bottle of jagermeister, in high school, rolls car, the cops look for his phone according to witnesses, not for my son, who walked away. This attempted murder by a family court. feeding liquor to kids, when perjury of the guardian is revealed the entire family must die. Cleveland ohio is the SNOW BELT. MOM Would be homeless, they knew it. Death is 2 feet of snow, sub zero temps, or carbon monoxide poisoning from trying to stay warm. Sick. the worse, my children were ruined, All Advanced placement, 4 season sports, class officers, destroyed for life. When I get them they will go to prison. I have kept only the evidence. Can I send an attachment of me transferring tampered videos to DVD to prove perjury. the photo is taken at the Geauga Court house. I have let all go. I care only about nailing the filth that would harm children for financial gain. See my facebook page, just go to the profile pix. Rolled cars, cars into concrete abutments, dad drunk, out of the state for months, JFS or Police do nothing even when neighbors call. I have all this and more. I can help kill off the scum that care more for themselves than children.

  • Anita says:

    AUGUST 21, 2010 AT 8:49 PM

    Anarchy ….means lawlessness!!! This court is a mockery against the US Constitution; civil rights violations galore..

  • Injustice in Oz: Are Judge David Debenham and GAL M. Jill Dykes Acting in the Best Interest of the Child or Engaged in a Cover-up? « Anne Caroline Drakesays:

    AUGUST 22, 2010 AT 3:53 AM

    [...] Carroll’s Rights for Mothers site was flooded this weekend with comments from around the world from people who are more familiar [...]

  • Elle says:

    AUGUST 22, 2010 AT 7:55 AM

    Claudine and Rikki my heart breaks for u.This is an incredible miscarriage of justice
    how dare the USA berate the middle East when it is much worse???
    You are an inspiration Claudine..the mothers of Australia are behind you..I cannot believe they took your phone …there are no civil rights..
    This whole situation is a human right abuse …perpetrated by a country that boasts its civil rights..I am contacting Amnesty International..I am appalled
    Rikki your mum loves you ..
    Keep strong Claudine my prayers are with you and Riki

  • Janice Levinson says:

    AUGUST 22, 2010 AT 7:54 PM

    Claudine, I am truly upset to hear of the latest development in your case. PMA , myself and Lundy stand by all protective moms fighting to be in their children’s lives.
    I understand the pain that you must be feeling. Stay strong , keep fighting. Even though these evil people try hard to break the mother child bond, truth is that it CANNOT be broken. I will pray that things turn around for you soon. Know that you and your precious daughter are in my heart and prayers. Much love, Janice and PMA international

  • Evanlee Perth says:

    AUGUST 22, 2010 AT 9:57 PM

    Claudine and Rikki, I pray for you. There is no gag order to stop the hundreds of moms, and more gathering, who can, and will advocate for you and tell the truth about the systematic failures in family court that promote the abuse of women and children who have already been victimized.

    Silence empowers the abusers and keeps these corrupt officials in office. Silence kept us women afraid and unable to get help. No more! We know what is being done to Claudine and Rikki, and we won’t stand by and let this happen..one gag order is not going to stop the protest and outrage of the gathering number of law abiding citizens whose tax dollars pay your salaries. We demand justice, and won’t stop until Rikki is safe with her mother, and these incompetent officers of the court are held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. We will write letters, we will petition, we will protest and raise such a public outcry that the court will be put to shame when the truth is made known.

    Let’s not forget what we are talking about here… for all the people who need a reality check, look at the brutality inflicted on Claudine:http://www.stopfamilyviolence.org/pages/308

  • Nancy Carroll says:

    AUGUST 22, 2010 AT 10:21 PM

    @ Evanlee: Thanks dear for sharing the Stop Family Violence Link again, there is just so much on Claudine and what whe’s been through, I am amazed Hal isn’t doing time in prison.

  • victoria blessing says:

    AUGUST 23, 2010 AT 8:54 PM

    The comment from PMA made me puke, I have seen PMA’s LIST of banned protective mothers and CLAUDINE’s name is on it….. Here’s some advice for all who are looking for guidance and acceptance in troubling times ~ It’s better to be alone than in bad company. There are many of us here who won’t stab you in the back -while pretending to be a friend, and who will help you heal your broken heart– and maybe, if we stick together and work hard, we’ll find justice together.

  • Cara Wilson says:

    AUGUST 24, 2010 AT 7:08 AM

    Dearest Claudine and Rikki,
    I do not know when justice will be delivered to you both and God knows it’s a long time over due! We are all committed to lifting you both up and they cannot gag us! Take your time to recover from this unjust, corrupt and broken miscarriage of justice. You have a great support system that will carry you through these times. God bless you both!

    Sadly, Victoria’s comment holds much truth. What a SAD time it is when moms are being re-victimized by other moms and it’s organization such as PMA “International” (Protective Mothers Alliance) but alas Claudine, you are not alone, I too made it to this list along with other protective moms and advocates. Perhaps if Lundy was actively involved, this may not have happened.

  • Nancy Carroll says:

    AUGUST 24, 2010 AT 10:11 AM

    Remember please, this is about Claudine and Rikki.

  • Alicia Elkhart says:

    AUGUST 25, 2010 AT 8:45 PM

    http://www.Safety4Parentsandkids.org.au demands President Obama acts at once to help Claudine and Rikki from such long ongoing violence…


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